‘I always knew that I wanted to make the most of lockdown. I wanted to treat COVID-19 as an opportunity, and use the pandemic to increase my advocacy and employability skills’. Weronika Kolodziej, Campus Ambassador for BARBI International, outlines how she took control of her employability over lockdown and set up her own virtual advocacy competition.
Category: Careers & Employability
Obtaining a Scholarship for the Bar – Katie Goldstraw
One of the challenges to becoming a barrister can often relate to funding. Katie Goldstraw is a recent first class graduate of Derby Law School who is now studying the Bar Practice Course LLM at the University of Law, Manchester as a Headridge Scholar from the Honourable Society of Gray’s Inn. In this blog, Katie gives her insight into the scholarship process as well as some tips on how you too can be successful in achieving your goals.
Succeeding in Employability during a Pandemic
Succeeding in employability during a pandemic was always going to be challenging. In this blog post, Hadyeh Tarigat, a recent graduate of Derby Law School gives her top hints and tips on how to make the most of the opportunities that Covid 19 has provided for law students.
Lawyer in the Making: Route to Qualification as a Barrister
A review by Gurbeen Kaur ‘Even if you find others disorganised, so long as you’re organised, you can accomplish your degree’ Who is Lawyer in the Making Rebecca Morgan, a part-time BPTC student visited Derby Law School to deliver a…
Careers Event: Darlingtons
Why proactivity is now a key legal skill required by law firms when recruiting trainees Craig Sharpe has had a career spanning over 25 years working in law, partly as a solicitor and now a consultant marketing specialist for law…
Rory MacMahon – Life at the Bar Event
On Wednesday 10th October 2018, I attended the ‘Life at the Bar’ careers event at the University of Derby, which involved two barristers from Cornwall Street Barristers in Birmingham, Michael Trevelyan and Rebecca Keeves. The event provided some useful insight…
Catch up with Alumni: Philip Gordon Cowburn
Year of Graduation: 2018 Linkedin Profile: Click here. What are you doing now that you have graduated? 1. I am Studying for the Bar at Nottingham Law School. 2. I am an Associate Lecturer in Law at DeMontfort University Law School.…
Catch up with Alumni: Hannah Plush
Year of Graduation: 2018 Linkedin Profile: Click Here What are you doing now that you have graduated? I am doing an accelerated management scheme with a FTSE 100 company in Human Resources and Communications, as part of a 2 year graduate…
Catch Up with Alumni: Sam Draycott
Year of Graduation: 2018 Linkedin Profile: Click Here What are you doing now that you have graduated? Currently working for a branch of the NHS called NHS Shared Business services. Working in a payroll related role and specifically dealing with Overpayments…
Surviving Law: Student Skills Masterclass Scheme
Alexander Wood During the induction week and the first week of teaching the Student Skills Masterclasses Team delivered our first session to the Foundation, First and Second year Law Students. This talk consisted of the team (Alexander Wood, Barrie Archer,…