Virtual Careers Series

Derby Law School is pleased to announce a series of virtual careers talks that have been organised to run on Wednesday afternoons between 4.30-5.30pm. This will be an opportunity for students to listen to experts in their fields and their route to the law.

Sessions include:

24th February 2021 – Careers – A workshop with our careers consultant, Natalie Hawker discussing recommended activities/ events for every student using the interactive student journey on or the careers UDO tile.

3rd March 2021 – Employment Law – Delegates to be confirmed

10th March 2021- A Career in London – a personal perspective 

17th March 2021- Career at the Bar – We have secured the attendance of Mary Prior QC and HHJ Egbuna(Derby Crown Court) to inspire those students who aspire to be a barrister.

24th March 2021- tbc– hoping to secure the attendance of a local commercial firm.

14th April 2021- A Career in Criminal Law – Local practitioners from both the Crown Prosecution Service and defence firms will be in attendance

21st April 2021- Applying for Bar Scholarships – some tips and advice

28th April 2021- Careers outside private practice

For guidance on how to attend these events please check your emails, look on your programme page, or contact Steve Bravery directly.